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Post Freelancer Projects
You can also Post unique Project ad's to the site and target just freelance candidates
If you have a small project post it to our site and get freelance professional applying directly to you
Find the widest selection of freelance candidates keen to work on your projects
Freelancers can fit most budgets and most deadlines
Job ad banners
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Banner ads receive 5 times more response
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Ongoing High speed streaming media server
Our web site is hosted on a dedicated streaming media server for fast access to video show reels, portfolios and profiles
All videos are automatically compressed into Flash video format when a candidate uploads them to their profile for easy and quick viewing
Candidate matching
We search for the best talent in the world
Candidates ranked in order of relevance to your job ad
Candidate summary view quickly helps eliminate unsuitable candidates from you searches
We filter out candidate applications and display candidates based on you job ad criteria
Reduces the overload of inappropriate candidate responses
We operate a referral system so you can check candidates recommendations from industry professionals you might already know or have previously worked with
Contact members directly for a quick response
Forward candidates details to other colleagues
Quick and Easy for members to apply
One click apply button for candidates to apply to your job when they search
Company Profile page
Comprehensive and Brief company descriptions available
Include your company logos
Increases response as candidates can get much more information
Displays all your job ads in one convenient location
Makes it easy for candidates to apply and find you
Display your company name and get listed in our company directory
My organiser
Manages all of your favourites candidates data under your personal profile
Access your recruitment data remotely where ever you are
Automated Notifications
Save time searching and get automatic notifications when a candidate matches your job ad
Receive automated notifications when a matching candidate applies to your job ad
Get notified automatically when your favourite candidates status changes to become available for hire
Job Ad Management
Add multiple Job ads at once
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Posting and expiry dates
Candidates notified immediately when a job ad is posted
Easily manage 100’s of job ad's simultaneously
Export data from our system into your own HR systems
Manage all of you candidates on-line and in one place with our easy and efficient system
Your profile is personal and portable so take it with you if you change employer and never loose a important candidate and contact again
Candidate Management
Add your candidates to your short list
All applications and candidate are listed and stored under each unique job ad posted to the site
One click contact direct with a candidate
Connect with fellow recruiters or industry professionals and share information
Add referrals or comment confidentially on a candidate profile
Easily manage 1000’s of candidates
Save candidates to your favourites to go back too or track
Maintain notes on each application
Elite search
Use our elite search to help find key hires. We can help to find you candidates from our databases and professional networks.
We continually searching, finding and are referred some of the best talent in the industry.
Referral system
We encourage candidates to get quality referrals from industry professionals to help us qualify the best candidates by industry people we trust and respect
Friends can notify their friends of your job ad if they think it is a match
Email, RSS and Newsletters
Keep up to date with news, event and key information posted by our members
PJS monthly news letter with offers and job site developments
Dramatically increases ad response
Comprehensive candidate Portfolios
Find serious jobseekers online only
Save time spent reviewing inappropriate portfolios
Faster than viewing candidates personal web-sites and show reels
Never wait for a reel/demo in the mail again
View profiles, portfolios, showreels, download CV's and link to IMDB and LINKED-IN profiles all from one place
Find candidates who previously may not have had a web-site or show reel on line
listed all your job ads in one Company Profile
Company Profile page
Job Seekers can easily view all jobs in your company in one PJS micro site
You will never need to pay for your own expensive recruitment software again
Future job tool
Never miss out on a candidate again
Be the first to target candidates before their current contracts are ended
Input your recruitment requirements in advance and let our system match candidates that that are looking to change jobs
Follow favourite candidates and their career moves
Industry calendar tool
Know what's going on in your industry, whose hiring, who's won projects, who's wrapping up and who's coming to town all posted by our online members
A central database of what's happening in your industry
Industry news
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Feedback and comments
Help us develop this site into the recruitment tool that you need. We always like to hear constructive feedback and are keen to improve our service to you where ever possible.
Graduates area
Find some of the next generation of talent
Graduates are separated into their own section so that you don’t get bombarded with graduate candidates with no professional experience
Don’t wait until end of year college shows be ahead of the game and track graduates progress online
We work with Universities and organisations to find graduated talent for you
Recruiters are you looking for great new Creative or Production people ?
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e.g “3d modeler”
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